Sunday, 12 December 2010

Now Time News

December 9th Students along with many other concerned citizens march to Parliament to make their voices heard.
Austerity Cuts suck. All the bankers’ bonuses should be taken back and put toward essential public resources. Vodafone owes literally billions in unpaid taxes to the UK government; these taxes alone would elevate much of the financial cost of education. This self elected quango government is acting illegally by not carrying out the wishes of the people.
Students are once again met by a reception of heavily armed police officers who are intent on creating a police cordon and locking the protestors of people and crown inside it. Though police will not acknowledge the use of the word, “Kettling” it is becoming a label associated with this type of police anti people action since the G20 in 2010
This was and is a direct infringement of both civil and human rights. The late Ian Tomlinson became a victim of this type of indiscriminate policing method, treating everyone as guilty and removing their human and civil rights. This is unacceptable.
Peaceful demonstrations should be welcomed with celebration and peace, not oppression and bullying. If we are to accept that violence happens in life, then war must be the peak of extreme violence. When a citizen is going about their lawful business and they are met by extreme prejudice and violence then their first option if given would be to move away.
Unless the individual is part of a tactical operational unit and are following a command.
This would be the police operating as an army.
 If you are backed against a wall of police, where is there to move?
 Furthermore if you then see many innocent people, many of them children being charged at and beaten indiscriminately by mounted police and those on foot with full riot gear. What are you supposed to do? When the policemen charge at you showing no mind to you as an individual, or your peaceful purpose what should you do?
Should you curl up in a ball on the ground? You can't run because the police have stopped your retreat, what can you do what should you do, what would you do?
There are many images within the media once again showing a distorted view. With this footage you will see mass intimidation by riot police, who charge down innocent, peaceful people.
Oppression, tyranny and injustice must be met by integrity, valour and truth.
We are the people this is NOW TIME, the time for changes, be part of your present to build your future for you, your children and your children’s children
So don’t be an armchair revolutionary, get up and get out with your people.
Get on with Freedom.

For more information see the following links;
Citizens Charter

People’s Assembly

Liberation beyond Resistance


People’s Assembly